Promoting sustainable and intelligent development through research and innovation.

The project

The project is using innovative technology to improve intellectual and physical access to cultural heritage in the streets of the historic centres of Palermo and Valletta, finding solutions that also help overcome different types of disability. The project is being delivered by a partnership led by the Department of Architecture at the University of Palermo, the Istituto di Calcolo e Reti ad Alte Prestazioni at CNR, the Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali e dell’Identita` Siciliana, the Sopraintendenza Beni Culturali ed Ambientali di Palermo, Comune di Palermo, the University of Malta, the Valletta Local Council, and Innovogy Ltd.

Accessibility of cultural heritage


Thematic itineraries are being developed in the Vucciria quarter of Palermo and in Valletta, where they also include the Biccerija district. Using innovative technology, the project seeks to improve accessibility of cultural heritage in the two historic centres in collaboration with local and regional institutions working alongside the project partners in Sicily and Malta.

Laws and policies to safeguard accessibility

Laws and policies

The term ‘accessibility’ is defined in various legal instruments and standards for each country. The concept is not limited to physical access, but also encompasses intellectual accessibility and the ability to move freely and independently to make full use of the services available, without any discrimination resulting from disability.